You can try changing the Gatekeeper preference via command line:

For families that share a Mac, you can leverage either Family Sharing or a purchase-based Apple ID to allow everyone to access the same apps (or a similar set) across the computer. How to allow single specific apps downloaded from «Anywhere» to be launched in macOS Sierra Simple bypass of opening restriction for unidentified Apps from within Finder The easiest way to open an App from an unidentified source is to simply Ctrl+Click (right click) the App in Finder, then choose Open – this will ask you to manually bypass.

sudo spctl --master-disable


That will allow installation from 'Anywhere.' Do a man spctl for additional options.

How to allow apps to download on mac computer

How To Allow Apps To Download On Mac Desktop

As for disk space, try a:

df -h

You will get an output that looks like this (shortened)

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on

/dev/disk1 465Gi 273Gi 192Gi 59% 71601622 50244686 59% /

How To Download Apps On Computer

In the list find your boot volume (mounted on will be / and likely /dev/disk1). What is the capacity %. If you have a runaway log you might have filled the drive.


Apple Consultants Network


Author 'Mavericks Server – Foundation Services' :: Exclusively available in Apple's iBooks Store

Author 'Mavericks Server – Control and Collaboration' :: Exclusively available in Apple's iBooks Store

Oct 1, 2014 4:11 AM