Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Counter-Strike Source - McDonalds Map. This map is a deathmatch level played within a McDonalds restaurant. This is the most completed version of the map I have so far, however it's certainly not the final copy of it. It includes custom textures, making it quite and interesting map.

Have you just landed yourself some high-tech college and they require you a brand new Mac to begin your study? With its compact design, you can carry a mac pretty much everywhere to enjoy wifi connection at cafes or libraries. However, when it comes to gaming with FPS titles, CS:GO on Mac sucks. Then, how can you enjoy your favorite CS:GO without having to buy another brand new laptop? Well, have a few tips just for you.

Download CSGO on Mac

Sometimes you may search on Google like “CS GO Mac” or “CSGO for Mac” or “how to download CSGO on mac”. However, CS:GO is free and CS:GO is an FPS title on Steam. Steam is a public gaming platform on the Internet which is regulated by Valve. Currently, CS:GO is free to play and so is CSGO Mac, no cost involved. All you need is to register a free account on Steam. After registering for the platform, log in with your ID and password. You may need to download Steam Client to download CSGO for Mac. After you are set, start the Steam interface and you are good to go.

There you can see Counter-Strike: Global Offensive title sitting comfortably on top. In case CS:GO is not there, you can manually search for it in the search bar.

Click on “Play Game” near the “Free to Play”. The installation often takes hours to finish. The game is around 14 GB and has decent system requirements for Mac MINIMUM:

  • OS: MacOS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or later
  • Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better)
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2400 or better / NVidia 8600M or better
  • Storage: 15 GB available space

>>> Read more: PUBG Vs CS GO, Which One Is Better For You?

Tips for CSGO on Macbook air

Heat regulation

The biggest problem with Macbook air is heat regulation. Gaming often requires you spending hours glued to the screen. Macbook air often has the problem with regulating temperature when used for a long time period. CS:GO is no exception. The game even requires a large amount of RAM so overheating is unavoidable.

What you can do to improve the situation is get good ventilation. You need to set up your Macbook air on a surface that allows adequate air to circulate around and under the device. That means that having the MacBook on a pillow, blanket or your lap — a softer surface — may block airflow and cause your device to run hot.

Clean up unnecessary tasks

You Macbook is perhaps well capable of running multiple tasks at a time. However, When you need to concentrate your Mac’s resources on a game like CS:GO, turn off other running tasks. A laptop’s resource is finite. CSGO on Mac is notorious for taking a large part of RAM. You may not want to get the game crash amidst of the match due to overload.

So, the necessary thing to do before going to a match is cleaning up your running tasks. You may want to turn off you photoannalysisd or Snapz Pro X which takes up a large part of CPU. In short, turn off every other program except the system run ones when you enjoy CSGO Mac. That way, your Mac will run more smoothly and won’t have to force close CS:GO due to heavy load.

CS GO Mac: Best graphics settings

CSGO is a high graphics game with good to superb rendering.

However, when you are playing CSGO on Mac, it is best to cut down on this feature in exchange for stability. With these settings, you FPS will get better

  • Brightness - Choose what you’re most comfortable with.
  • Color Mode - Computer Monitor.
  • Aspect Ratio - Personally we prefer 16:9, but choose what works for you.
  • Resolution - Again, choose what works for you.
  • Display Mode - Go Fullscreen.
  • Laptop Power Savings - Disabled
  • Global Shadow Quality - Very Low
  • Model/Texture Detail - Low
  • Effect Detail - Low
  • Shader Detail - Low
  • Multicore Rendering - Enabled
  • Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode - None
  • Texture Filtering Mode - Bilinear
  • FXAA Anti-Aliasing - Disabled
  • Wait for Vertical Sync - Disabled
  • Motion Blur - Disabled

With this, you are ready to go. Grab your CSGO on Mac and start having fun. How to download email from iphone to mac.

Lighting and Shader Improvements

With the introduction of new maps, models, and assets come a number of visual upgrades and features that we think mapmakers and community content creators alike will find useful and exciting. The following is an overview of these features and how they can be enabled in your own maps and content.

  • Lighting Improvements
  • New Shader Features

One of the areas that we upgraded extensively during the development of Nuke was the in-game lighting. With Nuke’s new look, we strived for a clean, colorful aesthetic with bold, realistic lighting and global illumination.
We started by improving the quality of our static prop model lighting by increasing the amount of global illumination light rays that get fired by VRAD (our pre-computed lighting engine) in addition, we also improved the accumulation of the ray results which leads to a smoother, higher quality result; basically, the more rays fired when calculating lighting, the more accurate the results.
BEFORE: Note the splotchy, uneven lighting on the cube models.
AFTER: With more rays fired and better accumulation, the cube models look smoother and free of splotches.
To enable these improvements, open up the compile options in Hammer (F9) and click on the Advanced button.
Then in light_exe (VRAD) make sure you have the parameter

This improvement does increase compile time, but to help with iteration we also included the ability to tweak the quality of the new lighting by adding the –StaticPropSampleScale x parameter (16=slow, high quality, 4=default and 0.25=fast, low quality) which is useful if you want to speed up compile times. Note that adding
-final is the equivalent of having -StaticPropLightingScale 16. We recommend you try some different values and see which one works best for you.

We then improved the quality of lighting on displacement surfaces (e.g terrain surfaces) by enabling a feature called super sampling which allows for smooth, accurate shadows. We also transferred over our static prop model lighting enhancements to the displacements for much improved bounced light between surfaces.
BEFORE: The shadows from the fence on the displacement look pixelated and low quality in comparison to the brush surface.
AFTER: The shadow quality on the displacement is now identical to the brush.

Next we set about upgrading the lighting of our normal mapped static props by implementing full, per-vertex lighting that uses the same radiosity calculations as our lightmaps do. The result is that normal mapped static prop models now light much more accurately and with results very similar to our lightmapped geometry (brushes, displacements, etc.). This should make using normal maps on static props much simpler and more awesome in the future:
>BEFORE: Note that the model’s lighting looks darker than that of the brush and doesn’t pick up as much color.
AFTER: Now, both the model and the brush light identically.
As mentioned previously, to enable these features you will need to add –staticproplighting to the ($light_exe) advanced compile parameter, otherwise it will revert to the old lighting model.

One last thing we wanted to upgrade was how our cascade shadow maps interact with pre-computed lighting in our levels; Cascade shadow maps (CSMs) are our dynamic, high quality real-time shadows which can be seen in outdoor areas of Nuke and other maps.
To tackle this problem we separated all direct and indirect precomputed lighting data and use these two data sets to accurately blend our cascade shadow maps into the scene. This allows indirect and ambient lighting to alter the shadow color and strength in a much more natural way:
BEFORE: Note the grey area between the CSM and the precomputed shadows. The CSMs don’t know what color the ambient indirect light is and cannot blend accurately.
AFTER: With indirect lighting data available, the grey is gone and the CSMs now blend perfectly with the blue ambient lighting.
As before, to enable this upgrade you will need to add –staticproplighting to ($light_exe) in the advanced compile parameters dialog when compiling your maps.

Along the way we also added some cool new shader features to help enhance the look of de_nuke, some of which you might find pretty useful.
A nice feature that has been added recently is the ability to have phong specular reflections on lightmapped materials (brushes and displacements etc.). This works in conjunction with direct lighting (from the light_environment entity) so it is best used on outdoor areas where it will have the maximum impact.

To enable this feature, add the following lines to your material (.vmt file):

'$phong' '1' //Enables phong highlights

'$phongexponent' '60.0' //how sharp the highlight is 1=soft 100=sharp

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'$phongMaskContrastBrightness' '[2 .7]' //increases the contrast of the phong mask

'$phongAmount' '[10 10 10 1]' //RGBA values that can boost, tint or lower highlight strength

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Note that this should be used with the LightmappedGeneric and WorldVertexBlend shaders.

One powerful feature we wanted for Nuke was the ability to have support for a second UV set on our models. This would allow us to have multiple layouts for textures on one prop which is super useful for adding decals and other effects to models. With the introduction of FBX support for our model compiler a few updates ago, we were finally able to fully implement this feature. This feature is pretty powerful for content authors and can be also used for ambient occlusion maps, dirt maps, details, etc.
Here, each label on the crates is laid out on a separate UV channel to that of the main texture – this allows us to easily and efficiently reuse the same labels/decals on many different props without losing texture resolution.
To enable this feature, firstly make sure your model is compiled from an fbx file and has a second UV set, then add the following to your model’s material (vmt):

'$decaltexture' 'yourdecaltexture' //path to you decal texture

'$decalblendmode' '0' // controls blending of decal: 0=alpha masked 1=multiplied

Note that this should be used with the VertexLitGeneric shader.

We now have the option to blend together multiple normal maps which is useful if you want to have a large macro normal map for surface variation mixed with a high frequency detail normal map. Additionally, we added the ability to tweak how strong each normal map is; this is useful when you only want very subtle surface variations or detail.
Here there is a small normal map for the fine details and a larger, subtle normal map for wider surface variation.
Here’s what it looks like when the bump strength parameter is turned up on the larger scale normal map.
To use this feature add the following lines in your material (vmt):

'$addbumpmaps' '1' //enables bumpmap blending

'$bumpmap' 'texture' //bumpmap texture 1

'$bumptransform' 'center 0 0 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0' //scale & rotation of bumpmap 1

'$bumpdetailscale1' '1' //Controls how strong bumpmap 1 is (0-1, 0=off 1=full)

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'$bumptransform2' 'center 0 0 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0' // scale & rotation of bumpmap 2

'$bumpdetailscale2' '.5' //Controls how strong bumpmap 2 is (0-1, 0=off 1=full)

Note that this works on the lightmappedgeneric shader. When a $detail texture is also used with $detailscale, it will override the '$bumptransform2' parameter.

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A cool feature that’s been added for our cubemaps is emulation of anisotropic reflections. Anisotropic reflections usually occur on wet or shiny surfaces that have a high roughness and appear long and stretched, like in this example.
This can be enabled by adding the following parameters to your material (vmt):

'$envmap' 'env_cubemap' // A cubemap is needed for this to work

'$envmapanisotropy' '1' // Enables cubemap anisotropic filtering

'$envmapanisotropyscale' '1' // Amount of ‘stretching’ that should be applied (0-1)

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Note that this works with the LightmappedGeneric and WorldVertexTransition shaders

Cubemap Lighting Influence
Another useful feature we added to cubemap reflections is the ability to have their color and brightness influenced by the lighting in the environment. This works with auto-generated cubemaps but can also be useful if artists want to author a custom cubemap to simulate a certain look (faking chromatic reflections for example). Another benefit is that it diminishes the need for level designers to carefully tweak cube maps between light and dark areas.
Custom cubemap without lighting influence – notice how the reflections look overly bright and grey, not matching the lighting or environment.
Custom cubemap with lighting influence – reflection colors and brightness now adapt nicely to the lighting and environment
To enable this in your material, add the following parameters:

'$envmap' 'cubemaptex' // Name of cubemap texture (envcubemap for auto)

'$envmaplightscale' '1' // (0-1) How much lighting influences the cubemap

'$envmaplightscaleminmax' '[0.0 0.3]' // [min max] How strong the reflections should be

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'$envmapsaturation' '0.2' // (0-1) How saturated the reflections should be

This works on a variety of shaders, including LightmappedGeneric, WorldVertexTransition and VertexLitGeneric.

Drop Shadows and Highlights on Displacement Blends
We added a feature to displacement blend materials (WorldVertexTransition shader) that lets you add simple drop shadows and highlights for blends based on the angle of the directional light (light_environment). This can really help bring depth to your blend transitions and is particularly useful for depicting surfaces like plaster peeling from brickwork.
Without drop shadows and highlights.
To enable this in your material, add the following lines to your vmt:

'$dropshadowopacity' '1' //How strong the highlights and shadows should be

'$dropshadowscale' '0.0125' //The size in UV coordinates of the drop shadow

'$dropshadowhighlightscale' '0.0125' //The size in UV coordinates of the drop highlight

'$dropshadowdepthexaggeration' '1' //Use the depth in the blend modulation texture to vary the size of the drop shadow. Creates a more organic look. May require increasing the drop shadow scale.

Note that this only works when your blend material has normal maps, a blend modulation texture and your shader settings on high. It is visible in direct lighting from the light_environment entity, so is best used on outdoor areas.

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We added this material parameter for situations where you have a model made up of multiple materials, some which you might want tint-able and some not. Now, when applying tinting to a model in Hammer, it now ignores tinting on any material which has the $notint '1' parameter.
Here you can see a single forklift model with two materials and an orange tint - Material A has tinting and material B has the $notint parameter and tinting is ignored.

With the increasing complexity of our maps moving into the future, we upped the memory available to Hammer to allow for more stability.
When developing Nuke, we took a look at how our assets could be built to be more flexible, re-useable and efficient for level designers and artists, both internally and externally moving forward. We started by building a series of extensive modular systems for all of our most commonly used assets such as pipes, wires, HVACs, fences, I beams, joists, trims, etc. These systems are built to be as customizable as possible with options for tinting, multiple surface types (skins) and sizes that are also able to fully interconnect with each another. The idea being that we only need to build one prop set that can be re-used in an almost infinite number of scenarios.

As an added bonus you can find a new map in the latest CS:GO SDK that contains all of the modular systems and assets created for Nuke so that you can easily see examples of how they can be combined and customized and get started using them in your own maps today. Simply navigate to Steam
You can get pretty creative with these modular pieces. Here are the examples of these assets as used in Nuke.
Thank you for reading. We hope that you find these updates useful, and we are really looking forward to seeing what you lot build in the future!